Fairbrook Academy is a place where you go to build and take home robotic toys, scientific projects, architectural models, and mosaic and various other art pieces you can build yourself. It's a place where your mind expands and your imagination thrives.
Leaders of Tomorrow
We have learned one simple fact about children: we have to give them confidence and allow them to try on tasks that seem impossible. Once you put your mind into it, theres nothing you cannot do!
Setting Standards
Inspiration & Innovation
Through its innovative math & Science programs, Fairbrook Academy is the leading institution in providing hands-on STEAM (Science, Technonolg, Engineeringm Arts and Math) since 2009.
Offering leadership and mentorship opportuniteis for student at Fairbrook Academy, we teach our students problem solving in are areas of life. It's all about confidence!
We have been providing STEAM Exploration programs since 2009
Fairbrook Academy is
a subsidiary of the
Imagination Tree Foundation. Program fees are waived for qualified students.